Bomber Command Remembrance Wall


Our Bomber Command Dedication Page provides an opportunity to thank and commemorate those that served in Bomber Command for our freedom today


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WO Jan Stangryciuk / Black No. 303 (Masovian) Sqn, Polish Air Force.

David M. Kelley (ex RAF Regiment), and Upkeep Member.

RIP Jan, I am sorry we cannot celebrate your 102nd birthday at this year's (2024) service at the Bomber Command Memorial, I will miss you my friend, your story and service are an inspiration to not just myself, but to all whom met you and know of the heroism you showed flying with Bomber Command fighting the Nazi terror in WW2, not only in the rear turret of a Wellington or Lancaster, but also in your personal fight with the burns you suffered for the rest of your life. Per Ardua Ad Astra.

WO Jan Stangryciuk / Black No. 303 (Masovian) Sqn, Polish Air Force.